Shell Belt Road, Unnamed tributary
Bayou La Batre, Alabama, United States

- Group: Mobile Baykeeper : Mobile Baykeeper Team
- Site ID: UTSB
- Lat: 30.3985998
- Lng: -88.2570999
- Waterbody Type: River delta
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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Faster-moving because of wind, clear on surface but trash washed up on shores, some leaves and pine straw, no birds.
flowing water, pelican, a lot of litter in hidden dump site, moderate rain, lots of vegetation and rocks.
marsh upstream and industry downstream, lots of litter, oysters growing, lots of vegetation, no visible wildlife, slow flow of water
Very strong chemical smell present. Extremely trashy. Very High turbidity. Current moving at a good speed. High industrial activity. Oil Sheers present in many places near shore.
Windy cloudy lots of vegetation, oyster shells piled on banks
Oil sheers
Water moving quickly
A lot of vegetation
Lots of oyster shells
Very muddy
Rocky and dirt roads near by
Very turbid