Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

Moira Lake

Ontario, Canada

Easy to access of Hwy 62 S of Madoc via boat launch road. Summer dock has been removed but able to test from end of the permanent dock.

Location created by
Don Ross

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Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Overcast sky. Seaweed being gathered along shoreline by man with a motorized weed harvesting mach...

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Partly cloudy and quite windy today. Choppy water and dock very wobbly. Seagulls on the water and...

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Overcast and smoke filled hazy sky. Moderately windy. Some crows around and kayakers on the lake.

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Overcast and calm at this time. Lots of minnows and small fish seen in the water and birds can be...

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Clear sky and calm. Songbirds heard and lots of small minnows swimming in the water along the sum...

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Very foggy here now, overcast with some light rain and more overnight. Some ducks out on the lake...

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Sunny & calm day with just a few clouds. Fishing boat heading out on the lake, otherwise no other...

Moira Lake : Kiwanis Boat Launch off Hwy 62 S of Madoc

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Slightly overcast and calm day. Few small fish seen in the water near the dock.