Gray’s Greek stream


Ontario, Canada


Location created by
Grayson Lapensee
  • Lat: 45.0372919
  • Lng: -74.6726202
  • Waterbody Type: Creek
  • Timezone: UTC

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No smell lots of plant life. Water clear shallow and steady flow

15 Sep 21:09 by Grayson Lapensee

No smell water is murky and flowing

08 Sep 17:58 by Grayson Lapensee

No smell

29 Aug 16:34 by Grayson Lapensee

Stream clear and flowing steady.

17 Aug 20:20 by Grayson Lapensee

No smell plant life in water

13 Aug 21:56 by Grayson Lapensee

No smell

04 Aug 18:58 by Grayson Lapensee