Stream testing site

Meadowbrook stream

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada

Small, slow flowing stream with natural and man made banks depending on location

Location created by
Malcolm Hull
  • Lat: 46.2418321
  • Lng: -60.2609228
  • Waterbody Type: Stream
  • Timezone: UTC

Latest photos

No photos uploaded.

Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
15.0 Latest
22.0 Average
Water temperature °C
18.0 Latest
21.5 Average
Alkalinity mg/L
180 Latest
180 Average
Hardness mg/L
200 Latest
200 Average
Chlorine ppm
0.0 Latest
0.0 Average
Water depth m
0.1 Latest
0.1 Average
pH (0-14)
7.2 Latest
7.5 Average