Hamilton Brook
New Brunswick, Canada
Slow moving shallow stream running through our daughter’s property.Best spot for testing as of 2024 is a bit further east along stream where it enters spillway under road. Pond level here more reliable for testing .

- Group: County Sustainability Group
- Lat: 46.4214848
- Lng: -67.376233
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: America/Moncton
Latest photos
View all photosPartly cloudy with some rain in past 24 hrs. Now testing in slightly different spot on Hamilton Brook up from previous location. Now doing it along the road by spillway where water is more consistently there than the previous location. I
Sunny clear sky. No rain in past 24 hrs. Water flowing over the nearby beaver dam.
Sunny and calm day with no rainfall in past 24 hours. Lots of evidence of beaver activity as in past years here.
Sunny and calm day with some rain yesterday and around 50 MM rain in the few days previously. 2 stream channels flowing strongly now here and the beavers seem to have moved along to another location downstream. Lots of mosquitoes and other insects tonight.
Overcast and windy day, with minimal rainfall over past 24 hours and very little for many weeks here. Some bugs around and minnows and a few leeches in the water. Only 1 section of stream has water flowing now, usually has 2, and the pond created by the beavers last year isn’t here now so levels much lower were we test.
Nice day with bit of overcast skies and mild winds. So much beaver activity here with many trees partly chewed and ready to fall, with others down already and dam partially built, raising the water levels and creating a pond here where the brook runs. Didn't see any at this time and no other wildlife around.
No rain in past 24 hours. No bugs or birds around here now. Only one section of stream flowing now but there are 2 in spring and sometimes fall.
Partly cloudy & calm winds. Lots of rain fall in past 24 hrs and both sections of stream flowing rapidly into central stream where we test. Songbirds heard but not seen.
Drizzling rainfall now with calm winds and brook gently babbling and flowing.
No rain in past 24 hours and has been quite dry for a while. Creek running well and very clear water. Lots of mosquitoes around here in the woods. Sunny , humid and calm winds.