Black Bass Bay

Mississippi Lake

Ontario, Canada

On a point facing north. Quite a bit of boat traffic on weekends fairly close to shore. Very often churned up by wind and waves so minimal weed growth compared to most of the shoreline close by.

Location created by
Peter KleinBeernink
  • Lat: 45.0337291
  • Lng: -76.1821604
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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Mississippi Lake : Black Bass Bay

Observed on

Hardness colours on the strips is a bit confusing. its purple but very pale so I'm never sure wha...

Mississippi Lake : Black Bass Bay

Observed on

previous observations at this site were not linked to Mississippi Lakes Assoc group.

Mississippi Lake : Black Bass Bay

Observed on

Algal blooms starting to form around the weeds and milfoil a few hundred meters west of here and ...