Muskeg River rest area near bridge on highway 7.

Muskeg River

Northwest Territories, Canada

A large sand bar upstream from the bridge. The river is slow and meandering. Shallow sandy bottom with fine gravel in this location. Slow current. Access is from the small rest stop on the west side of the road.

Location created by
Cale Jackson
  • Group: Protect Our Waters
  • Lat: 60.3036546
  • Lng: -123.3124352
  • Waterbody Type: River
  • Timezone: America/Yellowknife

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Many swallow nesting

12 Jun 13:30 by Joseph Timbre

The Muskeg River is an important access route for the local First Nations community (Slavey Dene) to fishing and hunting grounds. There are small, seasonal camps along the river.

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