Whitehall Outfalls

The Ching

Buckhurst Hill, Redbridge, United Kingdom


Location created by
Theo K

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Direct sample from small outfall pipe - Ammonia >3.00 flashing Phosphate 1.48
Direct sample from large outfall pipe - Ammonia 1.89 Phosphate 2.32
Direct sample from central stream - Ammonia 0.25 Phosphate 0.18

Pollution from the outfall pipes is quickly diluted by cleaner water coming under the bridge from upstream of Whitehall Road

21 Feb 15:00 by Janet Laban

Scum on the water surface for 50 yards downstream of the outfalls. Reported to Thames Water who visited and closed the job within 2 hours (case number 00835587)

26 Oct 13:00 by Janet Laban