Elbow Lake

Ontario, Canada

Elbow Lake, near Fall River End
Off point, mid lake

Location created by
Guy MacLeod

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Water depth reading of 0 meters removed by admin (joanas@waterrangers.ca)

28 Sep 15:30 by Donald Coombs

Noted Eurasian Milfoyle is growing close to surface at entrance from sharbot Lake and in shallow areas leading into the main bay of elbow lake

29 May 10:50 by Dan Goodchild

Previous 24 hours had been sunny and no rain. Calm & clear sky.
Note: Major down burst had occurred on Sept 21

27 Sep 08:00 by Guy MacLeod

Had not rained in past 24 hours. Today was sunny, very few clouds. Slight breeze.

19 Aug 11:50 by Guy MacLeod

Had not rained in 24 hours. Clear sky, good breeze.

27 Jul 19:20 by Guy MacLeod

Light rain in previous 24 hours. Today is warm, slight breeze. Clear sky.

22 Jun 10:35 by Guy MacLeod

Had rained in previous 24 hours. Today was sunny, slight wind with low humidity.

23 May 17:06 by Guy MacLeod

Mix of sun & clouds, windy, warm & humid. Had rained in past 24 hours.

07 Oct 11:20 by Guy MacLeod

No rain for past 6 days. Light breeze. Warm & Humid

17 Sep 13:40 by Guy MacLeod

No rain for past 24 hours. Sunny day. Very slight breeze.

17 Aug 07:09 by Guy MacLeod