Hartland New Brunswick

St. John River

New Brunswick, Canada

Near the tourist bureau beside the Hartland covered bridge.

Location created by
Jenna Ross

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Mostly sunny with some clouds and calm…no rain in past 24 hrs. Pigeons and crows around and fishermen casting along the shore. Green algae on the rocks along the shoreline.

13 May 10:15 by Don Ross

Partly cloudy and no rain in past 24 hrs. River current moving well. Pair of fishermen came along in their boat to fish from near shore.

12 Oct 12:20 by Heather Ross

Sunny calm day with very little current in the river. No rain in past 24 hrs. Some crows can be heard.

10 Oct 11:55 by Don Ross

Mostly sunny and windy day. Rain in past 24 hours. River flowing rapidly. Summer dock isn’t in place yet. 3 young boys fishing for bass along the shore and one came over to ask about the testing we were doing so had a nice chat & he helped out a bit. Give him some WR cards for him and his friends to learn more about it online.

05 May 16:30 by Heather Ross

Overcast and windy day with no rain in past 24 hours. River flowing strongly and some seagulls flying around and on the water. The dock was in this time under the covered bridge so that’s where we test from instead of just from the shore edge.

14 Jul 11:30 by Don Ross

pigeons, algae, dead crabs. Secchi Depth off the dock 90 cm. Did testing off the dock,
Secchi depth from the rocks just beside= 0.2 m

10 Aug 10:45 by Jenna Ross

Overcast with no rain past 24 hours. Some pigeons on the covered bridge but other than that, no signs of other wildlife around.

15 Oct 12:35 by Don Ross

No rain in past 24 hours, Sunny and very calm day with barely any current on the river. Some bass fishermen out in their boat. Lots of duck families , some crows & pigeons too.

14 Aug 11:02 by Don Ross

Sunny & calm day, although water in river flowing very rapidly and higher up along shoreline due to spring flooding event. Dock not installed yet so tested along shore. Duck in the water and pigeons on the covered bridge. No rainfall in past 24 hrs.

02 May 13:55 by Don Ross

No rain past 24 hours. Cloudy and windy now. Dock has been removed since last time here so tested as close to there as we could....just not able to get out to same depth as before. Lots of pigeons and ducks around and crickets chirping loudly. Some green algae bloom and some white slime floating along the water surface ( maybe some sort of pollen maybe ? )

06 Oct 11:35 by Heather Ross