Cheekya River by Stump Lake

Cheekya River

Brackendale, British Columbia, Canada

Trail leads to this location. The river is fast flowing. In June it is about 2 meters wide and not very deep. Milky white with lots of sediment.

Location created by
Jana Ronne
  • Lat: 49.7924342
  • Lng: -123.1230927
  • Waterbody Type: Unknown
  • Timezone: America/Vancouver

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
22.0 Latest
22.0 Average
Water temperature °C
12.4 Latest
12.4 Average
Alkalinity mg/L
100 Latest
100 Average
Hardness mg/L
100 Latest
100 Average
Dissolved oxygen mg/L
7.0 Latest
7.0 Average
Chlorine ppm
0.0 Latest
0.0 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
201 Latest
201 Average
pH (0-14)
6.4 Latest
6.4 Average