Little Bluff Conservation Area

Lake Ontario

Ontario, Canada

Location created by
Don Ross

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Overcast, windy and about 45 mm rainfall in past 24 hrs Lots of small rock spiders. 2 loons were here when I arrived and 1 stayed out on water to fish when the other flew off.

07 Sep 13:30 by Don Ross

Hazy sky and no rain in past 24 hrs. No wildlife around today with so many people on the beach.

27 Jul 13:55 by Don Ross

Sunny with some thin clouds and calm winds. No rain in past 24 hrs.

01 Jun 13:50 by Don Ross

Mostly sunny with some hazy clouds. Ducks on the water, songbirds in the trees and lots of rock spiders scurrying around the beach . Crickets heard chirping in the marsh nearby.

09 Apr 13:20 by Don Ross

Overcast and very calm with no rain in past 24 hrs. Lake extremely calm for this time of day. 2 kayakers came along as I was packing up to leave. Single Canada Goose was on the water & left when I arrived. Squirrels and chipmunks around in the woods leading to the beach. Some green algae bloom on the rocks here.

17 Oct 13:50 by Don Ross

Partly cloudy with about 1 MM rain in past 24 hrs. Rolling waves coming to shore today although winds are mild. Some green algae bloom on the rocks close to shore. No wildlife seen or heard today.

25 Aug 13:15 by Don Ross

Sunny day with few hazy clouds off in the distance and no rain in past 24 hrs. Few people on the beach but no wildlife to be seen or heard.

24 Jul 13:25 by Don Ross

Bit of hazy overcast with no rain in past 24 hours and calm winds.

23 Jun 09:45 by Don Ross

Sunny sky and calm with no rainfall in past 24 hrs….well over a week now without any rain. Ducks, geese, seagulls and songbirds all around us.

18 May 10:05 by Heather Ross

Sunny day with no rain in past 24 hrs. Brown snake along the trail to the beach and lots of small spiders climbing around among the rocks on the beach. Swans in the marsh behind the beach along with many frogs, toads & crickets heard singing away.

12 Apr 13:25 by Don Ross