Kyd Brook Hawkswood Estate

Kyd Brook

London, Bromley, United Kingdom

Kyd Brook which runs within the Hawkwood Estate, this location is also a riverfly monitoring site as well as a water testing location. The Brook generally runs gently and the depth is a mixture of shallow and 2 feet deep in places unless it's raining or has rained then it can be much deeper and flow more rapidly. There is a lot of shade from trees either side of the Brook.
Further upstream, there are many surface water overflows and 1 known combined sewer overflow which discharges untreated sewage into Kyd Brook normally in heavy rain events.

Location created by
Kirsty Blackman

Latest photos

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
5.0 Latest
14.9 Average
Phosphates total ppm
0.2 Latest
0.4 Average
Ammonia ppm
0.2 Latest
0.1 Average