Kyd Brook C.S.O

Kyd Brook

London, Bromley, United Kingdom

This location is within Crofton Woods and very near the old gate post that remains from the Fever Hospital which was once there but no longer, it is just the gate post, bits of a path and some walls.
There is a combined sewer overflow (C.S.O) a little upstream from this location that is underground, this is the first easily accessible location to carry out water testing. The C.S.O discharges untreated sewage into Kyd Brook normally during heavy rain. There is an event duration monitor in place that can be looked at online via Thames Water. The brook is usually shallow and runs gently unless there is heavy rain, then it can be deep and flow rapidly.

Location created by
Kirsty Blackman

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
12.0 Latest
15.2 Average
Phosphates total ppm
1.4 Latest
1.5 Average
Ammonia ppm
0.1 Latest
0.1 Average