Bourbonnais Creek
Bourbonnais, Illinois, United States
Water flowing through a structured channel with culverts under the roads. Minimal dangers include the somewhat steep banks, the nearby roads, & slippery rocks.

- Site ID: BourbCreek-01
- Lat: 41.1515643
- Lng: -87.8803468
- Waterbody Type: Creek
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosBourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Signifigant melting of ice on the creek. Very sunny and temperature is much warmer.
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Quantab units reached 9.4 on the high-value tabs, indicating that the Cl- value is greater than 6...
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Measurement is actually 6852+ ppm Cl-, but the field doesn't allow or a higher measurement than 5...
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Coldfront approaching with snow on the forecast tonight. Lots of salt just put down on the roads.
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
almost all the snow has melted, the creek completely thawed, fast water flow in creek and from dr...
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Most snow has melted, lots of salt on ground, most of the creek is frozen, some areas are comple...
Bourbonnais Creek : Bourbonnais Creek Upstream
Observed on
Quantab unit 8.8; 2" of ice on surface of creek, covered with snow.