West Spillway Dock

Pearl River

Brandon, Mississippi, United States

Pearl River on the west side just downstream of the Ross Barnett Reservoir Spillway dam. Collected from the dock south of the parking lot.

Location created by
Laura Luke

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Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

The water was high. Lots of white foam in the water and birds flying around. There were lots of p...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

Water was high today. LOTS of different birds! The water was cloudy. It was very cold out, and th...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

People were out fishing, and I spotted lots of goose tracks. There were a lot of different birds!

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

It was a beautiful day! The water was calm, and I heard people saying they were catching fish. Th...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

Birds were catching fish, dragonflies and butterflies were flying around, and people were out fis...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

There were people out fishing and playing in the water. Lots of water birds and insects! The wate...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

There were fishing birds and crows, butterflies, dragonflies, and wasps. There were some little b...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

The water had a lot of plant growth in and around it, and fish were breaching. I saw water birds,...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

It was bright, sunny, and hot today. There was a slight breeze. The water looked a bit lower than...

Pearl River : West Spillway Dock

Observed on

There was trash floating off the dock in the river, and there were decomposing fish floating in t...