Root River Wishart Park

Root River

Ontario, Canada

46.56385, -84.29346

Location created by
Elaine Ho-Tassone

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THE TERRAIN IS VERY UNSAFE. THIS SITE CAN NOT BE ACCESSED WITHOUT PROPER GUIDANCE. The terrain is snow covered with approx., 1 meter of snowpack. The left and right banks snow escarpments are hard packed, and unstable. The water is flowing under left bank and has created an overflow approx. a meter wide. The area is unsafe for anyone to enter unless you are trained in snow and ice readiness, survival, ad safety awareness and working near water in winter. ONLY GO WITH KIKI. She is certified.
Ice on the water surface. Park/Recreation is a pollution source in the immediate surroundings.
Water colour: Orange. No sign of wildlife. There was one pine siskin heard and spotted. The river is split into two, there is much overflow and ice. The clay cliff looks as if it had a slide.

08 Mar 13:57 by Ajaz Shaikh

Be careful walking on the snow. A bridge is being built downstream. Snow started melting so do not walk on the snowbanks near the river. The surface of the river is partially frozen so do not go near the frozen surface.
Park/Recreation as pollution sources in the immediate surroundings.

25 Feb 15:35 by Ajaz Shaikh

Access at the park - be careful on a trail. Do not recommend going solo. River banks are covered with snow so do not go near the stream. Use a big reacher stick to grab the water sample. Grab a water sample to the vehicle and monitor there. Park - as a pollution source in the immediate surroundings.

17 Dec 15:45 by Ajaz Shaikh

The beaver dams are broken up by the current. A large amount of water must have passed through. You can see where it was pushed. There is large amounts of foam on the water. The river went from dry and dammed. To saturated, high and steady flow. The beaver has cut down almost all of the alder on left bank. In the future when the roots die, this whole bank could erode, it can be seen in the saturated sand banks already breaking off.
Parks dogs as a pollution sources in the immediate surroundings.
Snow on the ground was slippery. The path is eroding by saturated sand banks. The beaver has blocked pathways everywhere. The water is high and strong.

24 Nov 10:06 by Ajaz Shaikh

Water was extremely high but caused by the Beaver. The algae has died and looks like it is starting to decay. Can not access the deeper sample site because it is all underwater. The leaves have hidden the uneven terrain on the path, watch your ankles. The beaver has been busy and barricaded the path, it is usually not blocked for long, only while he moves his trim.

27 Oct 12:35 by Ajaz Shaikh

Beaver still flooding the area. It was not clear like last time but there has not been any rain to wash away the decomposition that is occurring downstream. Dog Park - pet pollution is a pollution sources in the immediate surroundings. There is lose dogs all over the park. We were approached by 4 dogs and did not see a owner in site for awhile. People are scared of dogs would have been very scared in this moment. Three of the dogs surrounded me and were smelling me. I am familiar with dogs but others are not.

13 Oct 18:33 by Ajaz Shaikh

Water is lower than last week. It is still not moving at all. It hasn't rained since we visited last. Lots of crayfish visible and water temperature felt cooler. The beaver is still very active at the location with multiple dams increasing in size. Pollution sources in the immediate surroundings - Dog park. The water is not as flooded as last week. Beware dog feces on ground and dogs with no leash.

30 Sep 13:45 by Ajaz Shaikh

The beaver action is changing the characteristics of the river quickly. There are photos from 2 days ago and they are very different than this visit. We did not monitor water quality last time, just took pictures to watch beavers innovation and ensure no danger arises. Water level is rising quickly with the additional rain, pools are almost as high as in the spring. The water is flooding towards the path to access the trail to the sample site. The beavers have taken down two trees that have blocked the pathway. You have to walk around- be careful lots of sharp branches.

24 Sep 18:17 by Ajaz Shaikh

Beaver action here. The water has almost stopped moving. There is two dams 150m downstream from the sample site. There is less water flowing from upstream. The river has changed in the last weeks.
Watch out for dogs off leash in this park , beavers and falling trees.

14 Sep 10:15 by Ajaz Shaikh

The water level slightly lower from last visit. Beaver has been busy on testing side of the river falling trees and dragging to the water. Possible contamination from dog poop left by dog walkers. Beaver activity have moved brush across access trail to the river.

09 Sep 11:22 by Ajaz Shaikh