Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Kline Creek

Carol Stream, Illinois, United States

Pedestrian bridge on the north side of Lies Road. The sample was taken with a bucket from the bridge.

Location created by
David Bohnsack

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Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

Levels are low, but the flow is steady. Iced in until this week.

Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

First time creek has been ice-free this month.

Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

Mostly iced up near the bridge, with some open spaces to gather a sample.

Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

We had 6.1 cm of rain earlier in the week after only 25 cm in October.

Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

Almost no flow.

Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

Water levels are high with 5.66 cm of rain in the last 6 days.

Kline Creek : Lies Road Crossing of Kline Creek

Observed on

Reading #2 179 ppm