Lake Run at Nelson Lake in Dick Young Forest Preserve

Lake Run

Batavia, Illinois, United States

Lake Run stream running from Nelson Lake in Dick Young Forest Preserve. Stream is moving water. Samples taken from Audubon Bridge

Location created by
Maureen Mrenna

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Sunny day. Creek iced over but was able to crack through it this month to get a my 8” container underwater and get a sample.

28 Feb 08:53 by Maureen Mrenna

Stream iced over with thick ice. Couldn’t break through. Got sample from surface melt on puddles on top of ice

30 Jan 16:04 by Maureen Mrenna

Grey day. Rain earlier to drizzle now possibly changing to snow flurries later. Lots of geese in the area and several hawks.

31 Dec 15:00 by Maureen Mrenna

Thin coat of ice over much of stream but not all. Very cold - sample started to register quickly then took a long time to register to the top as I suspect the tube got cold. I held it in my gloves hand to warm it enough to complete. Sample was cloudier with sediment than I remembered from last year.

29 Nov 12:15 by Maureen Mrenna

Sunny day. Water slightly cloudy

30 Apr 11:34 by Maureen Mrenna

Windy and gray but still hear chorus frogs and red winged blackbirds, robins and golden-crowned kinglets

30 Mar 15:28 by Maureen Mrenna

Nelson lake entirely iced over but stream clear of ice and free flowing - over it’s banks in part

28 Jan 10:51 by Maureen Mrenna

Test strip registered less than 1.0 quantab unit and retest measured just over 1.0 quantab units so both below the 1.4 minimum on Quantab scale.

28 Nov 11:56 by Maureen Mrenna