
Pond on Hidden CT Wheaton

Wheaton, Illinois, United States

This is a pond with homes on about 80% of the shore.

Location created by
Steven OMalley
  • Group: Winter Chloride Watchers
  • Site ID: Wheaton
  • Lat: 41.8374673
  • Lng: -88.1226683
  • Waterbody Type: Pond
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Hanna Miller entering results for Steven OMalley due to error message. Quantab Units were below the test strip range (1.2 quantab units)

30 May 14:42 by Steven OMalley

Second test was 30 ppm.

Air temperature reading of 57.0°C changed to 13.9°C by admin (jonas@waterrangers.ca)

09 Feb 11:59 by Steven OMalley

Chloride reading less than 30

07 Dec 14:30 by Steven OMalley

Chloride reading less than 30

29 Nov 14:00 by Steven OMalley