Gartside Creek at Queen of Peace

Gartside Creek

Belleville, Illinois, United States

Site is at the head of Gartside Creek. Does not flow during dry periods, however pools are present. Site may be accessed from adjacent to the bridge, however rip-rap on embankment requires extra caution. Access is also available for at least 100' upstream, however bush honeysuckle makes for challenging hike down to the stream. Samples will be obtained just upstream of bridge.

Location created by
David Laslie

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
21.7 Latest
12.2 Average
Water temperature °C
15.0 Latest
10.3 Average
Chloride ppm
83.0 Latest
156.0 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
960 Latest
1122 Average
pH (0-14)
7.7 Latest
7.8 Average

Ice On

Ice Off

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