Rock Run Creek
Joliet, Illinois, United States
Flows through natural area.

- Lat: 41.543694
- Lng: -88.1645966
- Waterbody Type: Stream
- Timezone: America/Chicago
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View all photosAttached is data strip photo only. There has not been a major snow event in the last week.
Today's sample (11 Feb 2025), was taken after a week long period of dry conditions. A major snow event is forecasted tomorrow (12 Feb 2025) that will likely result in salt applications to area roadways.
Much of the Rock Run Creek at this site near Essington Road Access, Joliet, IL, was covered in a thin sheet of ice, but has since melted completely with unseasonably high temperatures in past 72 hours in 50-60 degree F range.
Not much has changed since last year's monitoring. The Rock Run Creek headwater is in Crest Hill near Theodore Marsh along Larkin/Weber Road. Plenty of road sewers drain into the Rock Run Creek. There is also the Crest Hill Waster Water Treatment Plant that releases into the Rock Run Creek.
In the past 72 hours there were thunderstorms with occasional heavy rain events.
Rock Run Creek remained open and ice free all year (2023-2024). Significant filamentous green algae on rocky substrate.
The Rock Run Creek flows through a suburban-commercial landscape with most of the creek within Forest Preserve District of Will County property. Road sewers must certainly drain into the waterway at various points along the creek.