Frensham Little Pond outlet

Pond outlet

Waverley Borough, Surrey, United Kingdom

Beach area against wall easiest accessible point to sluice/outlet at Frensham Little Pond. Gently moving water and safe

Location created by
Jane Heath
  • Lat: 51.1685692
  • Lng: -0.7702446
  • Waterbody Type: Pond
  • Timezone: Europe/London

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Observations summary

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Observation tests summary

Air temperature °C
18.0 Latest
11.2 Average
Water temperature °C
19.7 Latest
13.5 Average
Alkalinity mg/L
220 Latest
131 Average
Hardness mg/L
180 Latest
164 Average
Nitrates ppm
0.0 Latest
0.0 Average
Nitrates mg/L
0.1 Latest
0.2 Average
Chlorine ppm
0.0 Latest
0.1 Average
Phosphates total ppm
0.4 Latest
0.2 Average
Conductivity μS/cm
288 Latest
248 Average
pH (0-14)
8.1 Latest
7.4 Average