R Wey north

R Wey north in Gostrey Meadow

Farnham, Surrey, United Kingdom

The river here has been past 2 carparks and under the A287. It is in Gostrey Meadow ,a long established municipal park. There is a flood area. I tested near to a willow. This is the site of the Water Rangers first Kick Test in Farnham .

Location created by
Sally Ferguson

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Dog playing in the water. Similar turbidity to upstream due to the rain.

24 Aug 17:22 by Sally Ferguson

Dog playing in water

24 Aug 17:19 by Will Dickson

Average of two tests, one at 2419.6CFU/100mL and 1960.8CFU/100mL (50% dilution)

26 Jul 08:40 by Will Dickson

Bit cloudy no fish sample taken for E. coli

26 May 12:03 by Sally Ferguson

Angler. Road outlet come below me test site

29 Oct 10:52 by Sally Ferguson

Angler. Road outlet come below me test site

29 Oct 10:52 by Sally Ferguson

This is just upriver from a very popular paddling spot for children. There are ducks , coots and the park is well used by many Farnham residents. There is a bandstand and picnics in the park in the summer

23 Sep 13:30 by Sally Ferguson