Gananoque Rotary Beach

St. Lawrence River

Gananoque, Ontario, Canada

Sandy beach area (not for swimming) next to a marina, with a modified shoreline near a small creek, where the area gets very wetland-like with a soft bottom. The water here is slow moving and the bottom is sand/cobble and as you get further from the shore it becomes more silty.

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Gananoque Bay Road on the St. Lawrence River.

27 Sep 11:00 by Watersheds Canada

Birds: Osprey, Canada Geese, ring-billed gulls

Reptile: musk turtle

Plants: Fragrant white water lillies, tapegrass, phragmites... plenty more but did not observe

Fish: Pumpkinseed sunfish, rock bass, largemouth bass, yellow perch, SPOTFIN SHINERS, blackchin shiners, banded killifish, tadpole madtom, brown bullhead, tubenose goby, round goby.

Invasive species: Phragmites, zebra mussels, tubenose goby, round goby.

24 Aug 10:30 by Emma Ehrenfeld