Box Lake Dock

Box Lake

British Columbia, Canada

Water sampling is done from the dock

Location created by
Rick and Janice Hogg

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Yellow jacket
Blue dragon fly
Fish jumping
Bald eagle
Duck - 4
Loons - 2
Paddle boarder - 1
Kayakers - 2
2 boats with 2 fisher people each
Tiny specks in the water

25 Aug 03:27 by Rick and Janice Hogg

very few campers
yellow jackets
heard loons
2 robins
bald eagle
blue dragon flies
carpenter ant
two helicoperters filling water buckets in the lake, continuously while there, can still here them
Information also sent to Living Lakes Canada

31 Jul 10:08 by Rick and Janice Hogg

2 loons, 1 bald eagle
1 bush with curled leaves from a bronze coloured beetle type bug, it also had inch worms, and damsil flies
1 person fishing off the dock
1 young person had been swimming
Park Host said that two beavers had been coming by
Park Host put float under the dock, so the end of it is not under water anymore. Safer

23 Jun 16:21 by Rick and Janice Hogg

Fishing jumping, eagle and osprey fishingloo, lily pads out onsoutheast end of lake.
Park Hosts at campground, they are great caretakers of the lake. It is a BC Forest Recreation Site, not a government site.

26 May 15:27 by Rick and Janice Hogg

3 osprey hunting
lots of swallows eating bugs over the water
campground improvements
camper arrived - 2 people
Park Hosts are set up and and ready to go

29 Apr 16:34 by Rick and Janice Hogg

no ice on the lake
a couple of campsites were leveled and large tree stump was pulled out from trees cut down last fall
quite a few mostly white with a little black birds out on lake, too far away to identify

24 Mar 10:42 by Rick and Janice Hogg

The lake was frozen. There was bit of water showing at the edge of the dock near the shore. I did my testing there. Being lake is frozen no depth. There was a person out ice fishig about 150 ft from shore. They said they caught 2 small rainbow and 4 small brookies.

29 Jan 17:24 by Rick and Janice Hogg

There is very little snow. Surprised we could drive in, a skiff of snow on the road.
The water depth was taken about 5 ft from the end of the dock, the front of the dock is under the snowy soft ice. there was snowy ice on the lake with a few open areas and a few spots around the shore did not have ice. There were two golden eye birds and 2 other gray birds.

31 Dec 12:41 by Rick and Janice Hogg

The water is brown, which was surprise to me, it looks like silt. The water is clear about 10" in (not in depth) on the shore, then after that you can see silt on the rocks for a short bit then can only see silt, off the end of the dock you cannot see the bottom and you normally can when I have been there. There were ducks on the lake further out and small gray bird on shore. There is some ice film on the lake further out. There was a small amount of algae on the wood at end of the dock that is under the water a bit.

28 Nov 10:53 by Rick and Janice Hogg

Saw mother grizzly bear and cub on up side of Box Mountain when driving in on FSR. Saw again when leaving parking lot by the dock, about 50 yds away, looked at us, then kept going.

27 Oct 15:40 by Rick and Janice Hogg