Warm Spring

Warm Spring

British Columbia, Canada

There are two sampling sites, first is on the spring just upstream before the junction with the creek and the second is at the junction with the creek.

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Warm Spring : Warm Spring

Observed on

Observation was taken 6m downstream from confluence.

Warm Spring : Warm Spring

Observed on

Observation was made 4m upstream of the spring confluence.

Warm Spring : Warm Spring

Observed on

Observation was taken 1m upstream of the confluence with the creek

Warm Spring : Warm Spring

Observed on

This observation was taken 6 m downstream from the confluence Observations of wildlife include...

Warm Spring : Warm Spring

Observed on

This observation was taken 1m upstream of the confluence of the stream. Observations of wildli...

Warm Spring : Warm Spring

Observed on

This observation was taken 4m upstream of the spring confluence. Animal signs observed include...