Outflow from GSTW into Wey Natural River: Trunley Heath Road

Wey Natural River

Godalming, Surrey, United Kingdom

West side of Trunley Heath Road, outflow pipe from Godalming Sewerage Treatment Works (GSTW) (51.20189, -0.57882). Vegetation has been cut back to allow access.

Location created by
Trevor Murrells

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Washing machine smell. There was a steady flow of water coming from the outflow pipe.

23 Aug 12:00 by Trevor Murrells

Washing machine smell, steady flow from pipe, some bubbles/foam downstream of the pipe.

26 Jul 13:55 by Trevor Murrells

Level of the river was low and moving slowly. Water was surging from the outflow pipe.

28 Jun 08:55 by Trevor Murrells

Surging flow from pipe. River level was below the pipe. Washing machine smell. River level is lower than it has been for sometime. Cattle are able to cross the river further upstream near the bridge on Tilthams Green Road.

24 May 08:25 by Trevor Murrells

Total coliforms above testing range of >2419.6

10 May 08:40 by Trevor Murrells

Both Total Coliforms and E.coli read >2419.6CFU/100mL. Recommend dilutions for next reading.

03 May 09:40 by Trevor Murrells

I was able to sample directly from the pipe today due to a lowering of the river level. There was a decent flow of water coming from the outflow pipe. I noticed a washing machine smell and a small amount of bubbles as the pipe water was taken downstream. When I'm next down at Unstead Wetland Reserve I will need to cut back some of the vegetation at this sampling location which has grown quite a bit since I visited last month.

26 Apr 09:50 by Trevor Murrells

The river level was above the outflow pipe so a sample taken directly from the pipe was not possible. The river level was the highest I have seen it.

29 Mar 09:10 by Trevor Murrells

The river was at its highest level since I started testing. Yesterday there was persistent rainfall for much of the day. I was unable to sample directly from the pipe which was submerged.

23 Feb 09:20 by Trevor Murrells

A small dead tree, covered with ivy, had fallen in front of the outflow. At the time of taking the sample water was surging from the pipe. After the surging had ceased there was some foam on the surface of the water. The sample was a mixture of pipe and river water.

26 Jan 09:30 by Trevor Murrells