Fox Corner Nature Reserve

Stanford Brook/Hoe Stream

Surrey, United Kingdom

Testing site is within the Fox Corner Nature Reserve about 15m downstream from the confluence of the Stanford Brook and Hodge Brook.
There is a lot of bankside vegetation, but it is easily pushed back to enable access down a gentle slope to the stream edge.
Then carry water sample up to path to do the survey.
The Stanford Brook is a slow moving stream, the Hodge Brook considerably faster and with more sediment.

Location created by
Philippa Mitchell

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Water low, murky brown with sediment and muddy river bottom. But quite clear when in collection jar.

27 Jul 14:15 by Philippa Mitchell

Water silty brown, reflecting sunlight.
Nitrates and phosphates seemed very high. Concerned there may have been sewage released from nearby treatment works.

29 Jun 15:40 by Philippa Mitchell

muddy with a few scummy bubbles on surface. muddier than would have expected, but recent rains were locally varied so rain in catchment could have been more than in Normandy (about 2 miles away) which was 4 mm

27 Apr 13:40 by Philippa Mitchell

saturated mud/sewery smell in the area near testing site (is a very boggy area just close by), however water did not have a strong smell, just slightly of mud.

30 Mar 09:43 by Philippa Mitchell

Water at highest seen, full of silt

25 Feb 11:05 by Philippa Mitchell

Brown-reddish water, fairly high but been higher

29 Jan 15:20 by Philippa Mitchell

Water high, but had been higher in recent days. a lot of sediment in suspension leading to a red-brown colour.

30 Dec 10:20 by Philippa Mitchell

Water appeared cloudy and brown in the stream, but quite clear in the collection pot

28 Oct 10:00 by Philippa Mitchell

Water had been higher - evidenced by mud area on access bank. also a slightly silty look to the stream. Recent heavy rain (about 3 days before)

23 Sep 13:46 by Philippa Mitchell

slow flow,
Himalayan balsam in flower on the banks

26 Aug 10:34 by Philippa Mitchell