Normandy Pond Stream

Tributary of Classford Brook, next to Normandy Pond (no link at this point)

Normandy, Surrey, United Kingdom

This is a very straight section of stream that runs between Normandy Pond and the A323. It is not much more than a ditch. Ferns grow along its edge and it has a stony bottom
The surrounding vegetation is wooded.
At this point, there is no link between the pond to the north and the stream. The pond overflow goes into the stream about 30m downstream.
The stream sources are the springs at the edge of the sandy ranges to the North of Normandy and the clay.
WTW is clan.dwarves.lamenting.
the sample point is roughly opposite a bench beside the Pond where the stream is easily accessed.
Kick-sampling with children has found a lot of dragonfly larvae, freshwater shrimp and cased-caddisfly larvae here as well as a bullhead fish.

Location created by
Philippa Mitchell
  • Lat: 51.2563606
  • Lng: -0.6707553
  • Waterbody Type: Stream
  • Timezone: Europe/London

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Water was light brown with a muddy smell

22 Feb 15:05 by Philippa Mitchell

reddish colour to bottom of stream - rusty silt deposit.
water slightly yellow

26 Jan 09:20 by Philippa Mitchell

yellowish water with a layer of rust over the stream bed. Smelt muddy

28 Dec 13:30 by Philippa Mitchell

Water had been at least to the banks, but is now dropping

25 Nov 10:19 by Philippa Mitchell

Had been bank-full 3 days before survey, with strong smell of sewage about 20 upstream of test point. This is near a culvert outfall and there was known to be sewage overflow due to blocked foul sewer within 50m of the culvert and associated ditches.

29 Sep 10:55 by Philippa Mitchell

After the rain (first in at least a week), the water was very silty, orangy brown and this made it hard to test Nitrates and Phosphates. There did not appear to be any change in colour from the original water taken from the stream, hence the 0. However, very hard to actually make a judgement. See images.
Upstream of this point there are parts of the stream that carry a lot of iron oxide material. After rain it seems that this may be washed downstream.
Similarly the Alkalinity and Hardness were odd colours, almost to zero.

24 Aug 16:43 by Philippa Mitchell

Water flowing fine, but pretty low.

30 Jun 15:40 by Philippa Mitchell

Water quite brown, but still clear.
Had first rain in about a week on previous day, but only about 4mm
(on Sat 27 night rained again about 28mm)

27 Apr 15:43 by Philippa Mitchell

Water had a yellowy-brown tinge and muddy smell.

30 Mar 15:35 by Philippa Mitchell

2 days after stream was bank full. Water has a yellow-brown tinge.

24 Feb 13:50 by Philippa Mitchell