O'Keeffe property (3861 County Rd 1E, RR2, Yarker)

Napanee River (between Yarker and Camden East)

Ontario, Canada

Clear, slow moving water throughout the year and approximately 6-7 feet in depth throughout the Summer. The river is approximately 80 feet across at this location. Perfect recreation area for swimming, canoeing, and kayaking.

Small (but portage-able) rapids 1/2 km upstream and 1 km downstream.

Major falls at Yarker and Newburgh, otherwise the river is navigable from the beginning of the Napanee Watershed at the Depot Lakes in the north to the end of the watershed flowing into the Bay of Quinte at the town of Napanee.

Location created by
Lawrence O'Keeffe

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Napanee River (between Yarker and Camden East) : O'Keeffe property (3861 County Rd 1E, RR2, Yarker)

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Thick ice and about 1+ feet of snow on the river

Napanee River (between Yarker and Camden East) : O'Keeffe property (3861 County Rd 1E, RR2, Yarker)

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No rainfall in October and river is approximately 12" below historical level due to no rainfall.

Napanee River (between Yarker and Camden East) : O'Keeffe property (3861 County Rd 1E, RR2, Yarker)

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Lots of Painted Turtles sunning themselves on the river today and over the last several days. Lot...

Napanee River (between Yarker and Camden East) : O'Keeffe property (3861 County Rd 1E, RR2, Yarker)

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Flowering Rush on the river continue to spread both upstream and downstream. I am still findin...

Napanee River (between Yarker and Camden East) : O'Keeffe property (3861 County Rd 1E, RR2, Yarker)

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The invasive Flowering Rush is exploding along the river banks which was non existent for the fir...