Kraft Road (monitoring site on beach on east side of Kraft Road)

Lake Erie

Ontario, Canada

Located East of Kraft Road on Lake Erie in Fort Erie
Benchmark based on location of individual unique tree and small break wall
Monitoring done just to the west of the break wall.

Location created by
Mike Pressacco

Latest photos

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Aquatic plants on shoreline
Red breast Mergansers spotted
Natural debris on water
Water flow was steady and water level was low
Water colour was greenish brown and clear
No odour was present

28 Oct 09:55 by Mike Pressacco

Birds visible included gulls, cormorants, and starlings
No debris on water surface
Water uses included fishing and boating
No presence of algae
Water flow was slow and water level was low relative to normal level
Both water colour and clarity were clear
No odor was present

30 Sep 12:33 by Mike Pressacco

Water was being used for boating, sailing and fishing
Water flow was steady and water level was average
Water colour and clarity was clear
No odour was present
Aquatic plants visible on shoreline, traces of algae also present
Identified birds included American Crow, Canada Goose, Cooper's Hawk and Northern Cardinal

09 Sep 09:51 by Mike Pressacco

Wildlife/vegetation sightings included gulls and cicadas
Water uses included boating
Small amounts of cladophora that was in small floating mats.
Most of the cladophora was green, but there were few mats that were blackish in colour
Water flow was slow and water level was average
Water was clear
No Odour present

26 Aug 10:13 by Mike Pressacco

1 Great White Egret spotted
depth of water 0 due to layer of algae
1 boat and 1 sailboat out on the water
Floating algae and natural debris on water surface
Algae was evenly dispersed
Water flow was surging and water level was average
Clarity was opaque and water colour was brownish grey in colour (almost blackish)
No odour was detected

12 Aug 09:55 by Mike Pressacco

Evidence of fishing, swimming and boating
Cladophora was present in the testing area, mostly small floating mats. Significant cladophora along shoreline.
Water flow was slow and water level was average
Water was clear and there was no odour
Species of bird cited included red-headed woodpecker, morning dove, northern cardinal, lake sparrow, and spotted sandpiper

30 Jul 10:15 by Mike Pressacco

House sparrows and brown headed cowbird
Significant amount of cladophora (not as much as Waverly beach)
No odour detected
Water flow was steady and water level was average
Greyish colour to water, water was cloudy

15 Jul 10:00 by Mike Pressacco

Water uses included Fishing, Swimming and Boating
Nothing visible on water surface
Water movement was slow and water level was average.
Both water colour and water clarity was clear.
Observed bird species included 2 mallards, killdear, osprey common tern and swallow

25 Jun 11:30 by Mike Pressacco