Kettle Creek
St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
A bio diverse wetland surrounded by hiking trails.

- Group: Thames Blue Water Metis Council - Citizen monitoring program
- Lat: 42.7977122
- Lng: -81.179738
- Waterbody Type: Wetland
- Timezone: America/Toronto
Latest photos
View all photosIced over. Unable to sample water.
Usual testing platform was iced over. When I arrived someone was attempting to fish on opposite shore but left before I took photos. Water appears both brown and blue in photos but more grey when collected. Water clarity was more clear than over the summer months. A goose was walking around on shore.
Water level so low, it was a new shoreline. Fish were steadily jumping out of the water - not sure what kind. Folks hiking on the nearby trails. Canada Goose swimming close by.
No one around testing area. Water had a steady flow with the wind pushing it towards the dam. Water was grey and cloudy. Lots of debris (leaves, twigs, etc) around the shoreline with bubbles and brown foamy scum piles. No fish observed jumping out of the water, which is fairly common.
Water looked murky/muddy. No one observed fishing in the area today but hikers were observed. Bugs on surface of water.
I tested a few days earlier than the regular scheduled testing weekend because I won't be in the area to test at that time.
Water looked very murky. Last time I tested there were fish jumping pretty consistently but this time I didn't observe any. There were a few kids fishing from shore that said they had just arrived.
Water colour appeared greenish & murky looking upon arrival. Fish frequently jumping out of the water. Folks often kayak here but none observed today. Once water was scooped, it was clear for clarity yet coloured like dirty water with a small worm swimming around in it. The green tinge was not noticeable once in the sample cup & appeared more brownish.