Loon Lake West Shore

Loon Lake

Ontario, Canada

Open lake approximately 5 meters from shoreline at 3 meters depth. Sand bottom.
Lake flow direction at this point is very low toward NE.

Location created by
Mike Grinnell
  • Site ID: LL-002
  • Lat: 45.0207625
  • Lng: -78.3850112
  • Waterbody Type: Lake
  • Timezone: America/Toronto

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Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

Observed on

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

Observed on

This records the start of measuring Salinity with a new AZ 8372 Salinity pen.

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

Observed on

Water filtered through 5 micron filter.

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

Observed on

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

Observed on

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

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ORP = 185 mv. This is a bit lower than normal. DO is higher than normal. This bears watching. Hy...

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

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Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

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Ice out April 3/24. These readings following a 4 day Colorado low with winds of 90 mph creating 5...

Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

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Loon Lake : Loon Lake West Shore

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