East Fowl River
Theodore, Alabama, United States
Tidal influenced river

Location created by
Kenneth Rice
- Group: FRACA : Fowl River Area Civic Association
- Site ID: AWW06018001
- Lat: 30.443346
- Lng: -88.1294918
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: America/Chicago
Latest photos
No photos uploaded.
Appx. 3 inches of rain in past week.
Tannic water - 5.5 inches rain received prior 3 days
Secchi reading - 0.8 meter
Secchi depth reading was 1.1 meter
Fog - Visibility about 150 yards
2.0" rain P.M. 10-11-2017
More than 2 inches of rainfall in the past 24 hrs