Compton Common: Stream that passes through pipe under path (East side)

Stream at Compton Common

Farncombe, Surrey, United Kingdom

Water is moving but more slowly than the previous weekend. Maximum depth ~9".Evidence of silt. Water is clear to the bottom of the stream.

Location created by
Trevor Murrells

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Stream higher than last month, rain in recent days

28 Sep 08:25 by Trevor Murrells

No flow but a decent sized pool. Very wet in Guildford yesterday - persistent rain

25 Aug 12:50 by Trevor Murrells

Not too far off turning into a small pool, stream reduced to a slow trickle. Last year, at this time, the stream went dry.

28 Jul 07:35 by Trevor Murrells

The stream is starting to turn into a pool. In the summer of last year the stream disappeared.

01 Jul 11:20 by Trevor Murrells

Bottom of stream was quite sandy.

30 Mar 08:40 by Trevor Murrells

Some dead leaves at the bottom of the stream, near the banks. The water level was above average.

29 Dec 12:45 by Trevor Murrells

The water level was about a third to a half way up the pipe. Upstream, now the vegetation has died away, I could see that this stream is fed by two other streams.

24 Nov 08:20 by Trevor Murrells

This stream has returned to the level (depth & flow), after the recent rainfall, seen in the spring

27 Oct 07:55 by Trevor Murrells

The stream has been dry for a while but a pond has now been created, probably as consequence of recent rainfall that has been heavy at times.

24 Sep 08:10 by Trevor Murrells

Not tested. Stream still dry. A local person (the same person we encountered at the corner of Withies Lane/Polsted Lane) said this stream historically often dries out in the summer.

28 Aug 13:15 by Trevor Murrells