Fosse BR1

Lac Brassard

Quebec, Canada

Coordonnées géographiques approximatives de la Fosse BR1 :
Latitude : 45°39'58.11"N
Longitude : 75°38'29.03"O

Location created by
Laura Gilbert

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Significant rain over the last weekend with more than 100 mm of rain in the region. Water level very high. Some debris on the surface (leaves, aquatic plants sections).

14 Aug 10:45 by Elise Amyot

This was submitted in June under Br2 instead of Br1. So I deleted the observation in Br2 and rewrote it in Br1.

12 Jun 11:00 by Elise Amyot

Thank you for the additional notepad.

03 Jul 13:42 by Elise Amyot

I left the sampling bottles in the refrigerator. I kept the bag. When, I took the water samples, my booklets went flying in the lake. I grabbed them back but they are damaged by the water... If you have any spares, I would appreciate getting new ones, that I would keep safe....

07 Jun 13:17 by Elise Amyot