Cranleigh Waters
Cranleigh, Surrey, United Kingdom

- Group: River Wey Trust : Catchment Snapshot
- Site ID: running.heartburn.shady
- Lat: 51.1386446
- Lng: -0.4917367
- Waterbody Type: River
- Timezone: UTC
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phosphate reading using Hanna meter
Due to no recent rain the stream was very low and hard to get a sample so the 2nd site was not visited this time.
I emptied the phials with the water & nitrate & phosphate testing powder an hour after testing. The water is both had gone much more pink. Which reading then is correct? Should I always leave it longer than the recommended 3 0r 5 minutes?
The phosphate is very hard to assess as colour very light
unable to do phosphates as had no more testing tubes
The phosphate tube remained clear so unsure if it is reacting .
Hanna reading 0.34