North Branch Chicago River at Edgebrook Woods

North Branch Chicago River

Chicago, Illinois, United States

41.990 N, 87.772 W
At Peterson (6000N) and Menard (5800 W)

Location created by
Alan Matson

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Certainly no snow for a while so no salting the roadways. And very little snow all winter. River still a little high from lots of recent rain, but much lower than it was. Seems like that would have washed out a lot of street residue. So still surprised how high the chloride level is.

11 Apr 15:30 by Alan Matson

Sunny. First cold day after 3 week stretch of way above average temperatures.

17 Feb 12:00 by Alan Matson

Nice day. Has not snowed recently. River level still dropping

11 Feb 10:00 by Alan Matson

Another big snow ending yesterday. Lots of salt spread on our local streets near the river. So chlorine should be increasing, and up 100 since last week!
Now very cold. Ice crystals forming on the river and condensing to slush. The banks are starting to freeze. Whole river should freeze over next couple of days

14 Jan 10:00 by Alan Matson

Just had a big snowfall and expecting another. River very high from the mixed snow and rain

10 Jan 16:30 by Alan Matson

Quiet on the river. No snow and not much rain since Halloween. Chlorine level same as October. Maybe baseline steady level.

30 Dec 11:00 by Alan Matson

Still a little surprised there is considerable chlorine in the water months after presumed last salt application. We are downstream from a golf course. Do any of the fertilizers contain chlorides?

28 Oct 13:15 by Alan Matson

So surprising that chloride level is still so high. Where is it coming from? I tested our tap water. Way below scale at 0.9, test strip scale starts at 1.4, 31ppm.

28 May 18:12 by Alan Matson

Water level coming down quite a bit. Everything turning a little green!

08 Apr 16:30 by Alan Matson

River very high after recent rains. Filling the forest preserve flood plain across from us. Lowest Cl level by far. No snow for awhile and probably much diluted by high waters.

01 Apr 17:30 by Alan Matson