Shalford Mill

River Tillingbourne

Guildford, Surrey, United Kingdom

The garden of Shalford Mill just after the mill waterfall.
steady moving water

Location created by
Anna Pohorely

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Ducks evident

24 May 08:00 by Kate Riley

Total coliforms was above the range >2419.6 CFU/100mL.

02 May 14:20 by Anna Pohorely

The foam is often observed when there has been excessive rainfall.

28 Apr 17:15 by Anna Pohorely

Batteries flat on conductivity meter so no conductivity or water temperature readings.

24 Apr 15:45 by Anna Pohorely

Training session following on from the Zero event yesterday

29 Jan 19:37 by Anna Pohorely

A little high for this time of year.

28 Nov 13:30 by Anna Pohorely