Prairie DuPont Creek @ Zingg Bridge

Prairie DuPont Tributary

Millstadt, Illinois, United States

Location created by
Greg Kimutis
  • Group: Winter Chloride Watchers
  • Site ID: R07017201
  • Lat: 38.4850179
  • Lng: -90.1015806
  • Waterbody Type: Creek
  • Timezone: America/Chicago

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Several dead creek chubs observed

No chloride sample taken

01 Sep 13:45 by Greg Kimutis

Chloride not sampled

03 Aug 11:00 by Greg Kimutis

Chloride less than 32ppm
Bottom of creek covered in silt

01 Jul 08:30 by Greg Kimutis

Was at site for Riverwatch sampling

13 May 09:00 by Greg Kimutis

Chloride less than 32

01 May 08:00 by Greg Kimutis

Chloride less than 31
Creek high and color of mud

15 Mar 11:15 by Greg Kimutis

Only observed PH due to recent elevated samples

07 Mar 17:45 by Greg Kimutis

ice observed on edges, creek color back to normal, PH down from previous high on Feb 15th 2024

21 Feb 09:45 by Greg Kimutis

Water has turned lime green

15 Feb 09:10 by Greg Kimutis

Creek iced over no sample at this time.
Just an ice observation.

16 Jan 11:30 by Greg Kimutis