Cornwall Island South Inlet

St. Lawrence River

Ontario, Canada

Short inlet cutting into the island, surrounded by cow pasture (cows regularly cross the inlet to access the other side).
Rocky at mouth, becomes more and more soft sedimented the further in the inlet travelled.

Mind potential bacteria or pathogens in the water due to cow manure.

Location created by
Emma Ehrenfeld

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Birds: European Starlings, mallards, ringbilled gulls.
Fish: Round gobies, tubenose gobies, banded killifish, yellow perch, brown bullhead.
Invasive species: round goby, tubenose goby, european starling

12 Sep 10:25 by Emma Ehrenfeld

Birds: Red winged blackbird, common tern, double crested cormorant, mallard, house sparrow (or some type of wren?).

Plants: Cow parsley (or wild carrot), poison parsnip, tape grass, Eurasian milfoil, elodea, typha sp., phragmite, algae, coontail, water plantain.

Fish: Muskellunge! fallfish, brown bullhead catfish, small mouth bass, largemouth bass, rock bass, bluntnose minnow, white sucker, banded killifish, brook silverside.

09 Aug 09:55 by Emma Ehrenfeld