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Westcountry Rivers Trust

Westcountry CSI

0 Observations
0 Issues
1 Locations


Kat Kavanagh
4490 Points
Alistair Young
1570 Points
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When you join our Westcountry Citizen Science Investigations (CSI) team, you will contribute to the resilience of our region’s rivers, their habitats and wildlife, and our water resource. For now, and for future generations.

The rivers and streams running across the South West are important as a resource for humans as well as providing habitat for a variety of wildlife. But constant pressure from people on these waterways can cause negative consequences on the rivers’ ecosystems. This in turn creates unnecessary expense when turning the water from them into clean drinking water.

By engaging, and sharing our knowledge with communities in the Westcountry, we aim to build our network of Westcountry CSI volunteers, developing credible and competent custodians of the watercourses.

Collecting regular water quality samples not only produces good data, which we can use to identify areas of concern, but also enables the citizen scientist to get to know their river, helping to identify positive and negative changes and influencing action where needed.

Water testing protocol

To be added in!

Areas monitored