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Ottawa Riverkeeper

River School

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Larissa Holman
10 Points
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The Ottawa River and its tributaries are at the heart of our River School education programs. Our experienced environmental educators bring the river to your classroom and – for students who come to our beautiful Learning Lab at the NCC River House – the classroom is the river (from a safe distance, of course)!

We offer engaging workshops at schools within 150km of Ottawa/Gatineau for Grades 2-12. River School workshops in our Learning Lab at the NCC River House are geared toward Grades 8-12. These workshops are free for public schools and offer extensive connections to both the Quebec and Ontario curricula.

River School integrates the scientific research of Ottawa Riverkeeper’s own community-based monitoring programs with Two-Eyed Seeing, environmental and sustainability education, authentic hands-on learning experiences, and a commitment to collaborative action.

Learning to respect the river and water is the core teaching that members of the Algonquin Advisory Circle shared with us in developing River School, and we strive to integrate this into our programming as part of our commitments toward decolonization and reconciliation.

Water testing protocol

We use the Water Rangers kit at River House to conduct Water Quality testing with school groups at our Learning Lab

Areas monitored