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Sign UpFriends of the Napanee (Ontario, Canada)

3410 Points
The FNR is an environmental interest group comprised of landowners from across the Napanee River Watershed. Founded in the Fall of 2016, the group meets bi-monthly for education and information sessions which are open to the general public.
The group is interested in preserving the relatively pristine nature of the watershed, its tributaries, rivers, and lakes.
We tend to arrange speakers who are excited to share their experience, knowledge, or expertise in helping us to act as good environmental stewards.
The watershed is approximately 820 sq kms and 60 kms long running NE to the SW from the Fifth Depot Lake and Westport Road in the north to the town of Napanee and into the Bay of Quinte in the south.
The earliest signs of settlements in this region date back to the Laurentian culture at 2-3,000 BC followed by the Point Peninsula people. There are little or no signs of permanent aboriginal settlements other than roamers, hunters, and traders until Samuel de Champlain travelled the Napanee area in 1615.
Water testing protocol
Water Rangers Freshwater Explorer Program
Areas monitored
Yarker, ON