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4820 Points

4630 Points

1220 Points

1210 Points

1090 Points
We are working towards realizing a vision where the varied human uses and natural areas in the Bowker watershed are managed to minimize runoff and pollution, making Bowker Creek a healthy stream that supports habitat for native vegetation and wildlife, and provides a community greenway to connect neighbourhoods.
Specifically, our objectives are to:
Enhance, restore, and protect Bowker Creek and green-space in the watershed,
Raise community awareness of the watershed,
Focus community-based action on the environment and,
Develop a continuous protected riparian corridor along Bowker Creek
Water testing protocol
We follow the Pacific Streamkeepers Federation water quality protocol as described in for the core parameters of dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, and turbidity, and sample 3 sites on the creek twice a month. Once a year we also conduct invertebrate surveys following the protocol in
We have also recently added the following:
Fertilizer pollution: test strips to measure nitrate, nitrite, ammonia, and phosphate levels.
Flow and temperature: continuous loggers to give a finer-grained picture of these two parameters over time.
Bacteria: occasional coliform testing when resources are available.
Areas monitored
Bowker Creek, BC