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Sign UpFowl River Area Civic Association

3790 Points

840 Points

740 Points

330 Points

20 Points
FRACA works to protect Fowl River!
We are experiencing tremendous growth in our area with hundreds and soon thousands of acres being converted from farmland and forest to paved streets and homes. We are already seeing the effects through increased sedimentation, street trash and high bacteria counts in Fowl River after each rain. The bottom line is that everyone’s input is important as we are all part of this community. We have spoken with hundreds of your neighbors and have found overwhelming support, so please join FRACA today and support your community.
Water testing protocol
We use Alabama Water Watch's EPA approved methodology to test for Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Alkalinity, Hardness, Temperature, Turbidity, and E.coli.
Areas monitored
5401 Fowl River Rd,
Theodore, AL
United States