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District of Lakeland #521

Lakeland Water Quality Program

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Wayne Hyde
3310 Points
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The District of Lakeland #521 Environmental Advisory Committee began water quality monitoring in 2010 on the four main recreational lakes within the District once the Province of Saskatchewan discontinued their three year sampling program. The program uses a YSI multi-meter record depth integrated data on the four main lakes on a monthly basis using volunteer boat drivers at each of the lakes. Data is recorded on the pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen and water temperature at the same locations set by the province to provide continuity of the data set and as well one yearly sample is collected and a complete chemical analysis done by the Saskatchewan Research Council labs in Saskatoon.

Water testing protocol

The program is run and the data is collected by Wayne Hyde a member of the District Environmental Advisory Committee. (See above for details of the program)

The lakes being monitored are Emma Lake (3 sites), Anglin Lake, Christopher Lake and McPhee Lake.

Areas monitored

Box 208
Christopher Lake, SK
S0J 0N0