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AlterEden + Minogin Gitigaanis Society support treaty responsibilities by sharing a love of Water with youth.
AlterEden monitors the rivers, creeks and streams at their apiary sites within the Great Lakes Basin.
With Minogin Gitigaanis First Nations Youth members they offer peer support to students at the Toronto District School board and elsewhere, connecting them more deeply with Nature in care for Nibi.
As Indigenous Guardians the Minogin Gitigaanis Youth also monitor the Waters of their homeland
Mishi Sakahikganig / ᒥᔑ ᓴᑲᐦᐃᑲᓂᓐg.
Water testing protocol
Water Rangers Education Testkits are used with classrooms and schools and Compact Freshwater Testkits are employed when monitoring in Far North First Nations via float plane, boat or canoe.