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4060 Points

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840 Points

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Alabama Water Watch (AWW) is a citizen volunteer, water quality monitoring program covering all of the major river basins in Alabama.
Water testing protocol
Water Chemistry Monitoring
Test physical and chemical characteristics of water to determine pollution sources and long-term trends in water quality. Six variables are measured with a customized test kit, and results can be compared with water quality standards that define conditions for healthy waterbodies. Here’s a list of the six variables:
• pH
• Total Hardness
• Total Alkalinity
• Air Temperature and Water Temperature
• Dissolved Oxygen
• Turbidity
Bacteriological Monitoring
Detect levels of E.coli and other coliform bacteria in water as indicators of contamination. Determine if water is safe for drinking, swimming and aquatic life.
To get certified, please visit to find out about training workshops.
Areas monitored
Auburn, Alabama